Corinne Marchand

BA (Hons) Eng Lit, Adv Dipl Human Resource Management (L7), Assoc CIPD


Corinne joined the Alternatives trustee team in 2023 whilst on maternity leave from her role as Head of People Operations at MAPP. With over a decade working in people development in the HR space, Corinne was delighted to be able to join the board and bring her expertise to the table. Day to day life sees Corinne working as part of an integral, strategic team within a progressive real estate environment and being able to transfer skills and support to another network of dedicated trustees, employees and volunteers at Alternatives has been a wonderful experience.

Corinne says "with two small children, I have long been a supporter of the Alternatives charity shop in Watford and have always received such a warm and caring welcome when going in to look for children's items. The employees have a specific gift in knowing whether to ask if things are ok, and having experienced maternity throughout the lockdowns of 2020 - 2021 I was grateful for the support. Alternatives offers a life giving service with its counselling and the sad fact is that for many women from all walks of life, maternity leave and raising small children can be the most joyous but also the toughest season. I am truly honoured to be able to support Alternatives in any way I can and look forward to being able to do a bit more hands-on volunteering in the coming months."